The Complete Package
This is the ultimate package and includes all features in all the other packages plus…
1. Digital Assets Package
2. Bespoke video of your awards presence
We've added the above key strategic resource to all the features on other packages and with more links to give you 'The Complete package'.
Judges Report
Feedback on your entry benchmarked against your competitors.
This report shows how you scored across the entry criteria, how you scored within the overall category and how your submission performed against your competitors.
Use this detailed analysis to:
• How you scored across the different criteria
• Get benchmarked against all best performers in competition
• Get direct judge's comments on your entry
*This report is produced by independent research specialists, Amarach Consulting.
50 invites to watch the live digital broadcast
Join the awards with unlimited and unlocked access for your internal and external stakeholders anywhere in the world.
In this package we provide unlocked access to the awards globally. This means that both your internal team as well as stakeholders from your business network can join you in the awards experience.
Enhanced Irish Times Coverage
Enhanced Irish Times Coverage with a quotation from your senior management.
As part of our coverage, our online content in The Irish Times, the awards' Communications Partner, will include comments from selected industry leaders within the awards' sector.
With this package you can ensure your senior management's views are heard.
Include your C-Suite leaders (or other senior executive leads) on this valuable and exclusive platform.
Video edit of your awards participation
We'll package up all interactions and video feeds into one nice communications asset for your digital marketing and PR needs.
The Trophy
If you win, your trophy will be personalised and sent to your designated delivery address within 5 working days. Plus, for media purposes, we will send you an image for early publicity usage.
Digital Assets Package
This is a neat selection of relevant images from the awards broadcast for use across social media channels. These images will be hugely 'Twitter friendly' and are perfect for posting on LinkedIn and other social media channels.
Winner's and Placing logo
As a winner you will receive, right after the ceremony, your winner's badge for media purposes. Those who are placed will also receive a special badge.
The Big Quiz, 50 players, 3 Prizes
50 Big Quiz Links – play for the team, yourself and a good cause.
The big quiz is live and interactive and will run throughout the awards ceremony.
50 members of your team or business network can join the Big Quiz and play for prizes for your organisation, themselves and charity.
The competition runs throughout the awards with updates and will add an extra dimension to proceedings.
There are 3 prizes:
1. Something for the team behind the entry
2. Something for an individual to enjoy on their own
3. And The Charity Champion – someone gets to give our cash to a charity close to their hearts.
Some good, clean fun and for a good cause too.
*access to the quiz in this package is limited to Ireland participants only